Project ID:RH-17220-lancer
I am an experienced Next.js developer with expertise in deploying applications to Cloudflare Pages. I can help clean up your code, fix minor typos, and ensure dynamic routes are correctly configured for Cloudflare Workers. With my strong understanding of Next.js and experience working with APIs like TMDB and Supabase, I will make sure your app is production-ready. Once finalized, I will set up the GitHub integration for seamless deployment to Cloudflare Pages. Let’s complete your project efficiently within the estimated 9-hour timeframe. Développeur Next.js expérimenté, je peux vous aider à déployer votre application sur Cloudflare Pages. Je m'assurerai de nettoyer le code, corriger les fautes mineures et vérifier la configuration correcte des routes dynamiques pour Cloudflare Workers. Fort d'une expérience avec Next.js, l'API TMDB et Supabase, je garantirai que votre application est prête pour la production. Une fois terminée, je configurerai l’intégration GitHub pour un déploiement automatique. Je suis prêt à finaliser votre projet efficacement dans le délai estimé de 9 heures. i have so many sample projects lets connect i will share with you
Professional FullStack Developer. I have 4+ years of experience in Web development and its Architect. Complete hands on experience on Rest APIs, ReactJS, Node js, and MongoDB, MariaDB, MYSQL. Digital Ocean, and AWS deployment server maintenance. Well managed user interface. Five years of experience in design with tools Adobe tools Illustrator, XD and Photoshop. Two years of 3D design experience for web integration. Complete structured Database using MongoDB and Firebase. I have done more than 100+ websites and web aps. My Skills: 1. Website Design and Development. 2. Tech stack ReactJS, ExpressJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, MySQL. 3. Mobile Friendly Responsive Design. 4. React and NextJS Application development. 5. Debugging, Testing & Bug fixing 6. Website Maintenance. 7. Admin Panel Frontend. Fast delivery and best quality guaranty My Expertise HTML5 Website Design javascript MySQL Illustrator Linux MongoDB ExpressJS ReactJS Amazon Web Services API Development CSS3 Frontend Development Website Development
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