virendra kumar gupta

  • Delhi, India
  • Member since September 18, 2023
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I am a retired engineer cum manager but still want to keep myself reasonably busy. I have worked in private industry reaching upto DGM level and then in consultancy and academic organizations (including faculty at BITS Pilani).

My expertise has been in production/quality management/ lean concepts. Subsequently i have written 4 books on Quality management and one on Shrimad Bhagwat Gita.

I am also learning Sanskrit  and am engaged in analyzing the vedic mantras .

Educational Details

B. Tech

  • BITS Pilani

Now, i would like to keep myself busy in a bit of academic/translation/ religious activities. One new service that I can offer is explaining concepts of Shrimadbhagwat gita in simple terms/language (hindi/english_ for a common worldly person. etc.

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