
  • India
  • Member since February 25, 2024
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6+ years experience in programming field.

I charge only for business related  web designs ,applications, Provided technical support in the assurance of quality systems and

system changes. Managed and Maintained development of PHP backend for dynamic database driven websites.

I want to make my experience mostly useful. i do not charge a fee Socially-minded activities .

HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, AJAX, JSON (building from scratch , customization , Responsive layout, ,Loading time optimization, browsers compatible)

WORDPRESS, E-COMMERCE (Theme Customization , Plugins , Payment Gateways, Third Party Integrations, Page Builders )

PHP, LARAVEL, PHALCON, CORE JAVA, Selenium WebDriver , WEB AUTOMATION. (Various Management Software's, )

MySQL, MongoDB, DATABASE, DOMAIN, SERVER HANDLING, FTP Clients, Version Control, Data Management.


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