Diptesh Das

  • India
  • Member since January 16, 2024
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Hey there, I'm Diptesh, your friendly 'Content Maniac'. My love and passion for Content grew when I was battered by reality. I founded Pro-Riterz, in 2016, a Complete Content agency when I was no longer able to handle the love, respect, and work load from existing and new customers. After working hard towards team building for about 6 months, I finally was able to pull together my dream team of Content writers. Since then, to our surprise, we have served over 300+ clients to date, written over 10M+ quality words that drove traffic, significantly increased their ROI, and broadened the smile on their face. My team and I can promise you the best ROI in terms of money and time while you focus on doing what you're best at! If you want to catch up with me over a call or in-person, drop a 'HI' over diptesh@proriterz.com

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