Aparna Suresh Shirwadkar

  • India
  • Member since June 20, 2023
  • No Reviews


(per hour)
  • 00 ongoing Projects
  • 00 Completed Projects
  • 00 Services in Queue
  • 00 Competed Services


To associate myself with a progressive Organization that gives me a Scope to update my Knowledge and skills in Accordance with the latest trends and be an Associate of a team that Dynamically Work hard Towards the Growth of the Organization. 


Tally ERP Entry

  • Unity Land Consultancy
  • November 1, 2020 - May 31, 2023

• Maintain The general Ledger and Balance Sheet across accounts receivable and payable, cash accounts and fixed assets. • Maintaining Bank Statements in Tally. • Maintaining Petty Cash. • Reconcile accounts payable and receivable. • Excellent Knowledge of Tally Prime and MS Office. • Follow Up with Vendor. • Coordinate with Bankers. • Coordinate with CA for Account Finalization. • Go to GST site and download the file to check the GST and sending data to CA

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